Journeys in the Connected Universe!

Sampling of articles found within the Secret Library of the Connected Universe Portal

Blog posts can be found at:

Mysterious Triangle Areas of the World Nov 23, 2022

(Article originally published September 2020 on 

Triangle areas of the world are vortices of energy which build up from the earth’s core and cause strange phenomenon to happen, such as unusual weather patterns and interdimensional portals. The most famous, of course, is the Berm...

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Stargates of Ancient Egypt! Oct 03, 2022

Autumn begins to settle into northeastern Ohio, more specifically the Cleveland area, with crisp air and overcast skies to look forward to until snow and the bitter chill of winter’s kiss encompasses The Land. While the frigid air may cause most to look past winter to the spring beyond, I’m especial...

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Real Time Travel: What Does it Look Like? Aug 08, 2022

“Everything is solidly there, whether we call it past, present or future ... We invent time to explain change and succession.” – J.B. Priestly, Man and Time, 1968

What is time? How do we define this elusive thing we call time? We’ve, generally, been taught that time is like a river, flowing endless...

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Exploring Ancient Ireland Jul 28, 2022

To say the country of Ireland is charming is an understatement. It truly is as magical, mysterious, and lusciously green as everyone says it is -- and more so! My Ancient Mysteries of Ireland tour from Mysterious Adventures Tours kicked off on July 1, although I got into the country on June 30 and t...

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A Serpent Down the Rabbit Hole May 09, 2022

Alchemy. The word is derived from AL-KHEMET which originated in Egypt meaning “from the black land.” The oldest known allegorical symbol in alchemy, the ouroboros, also has its origins in Egypt, depicted on King Tutankhamun’s burial shrine (circa 1323 B.C.). At least that’s the earliest we have foun...

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Our Parallel Universe Running In Reverse Time Apr 04, 2022

There’s a parallel universe running in reverse time! Seriously?

In early 2020, as we were just learning about a virus called Covid-19, other media headlines were buzzing about ground-breaking experiments in Antarctica and reprinting information from an article New Scientist had published titled “We...

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Seeing Shadows: A Peripheral View Feb 26, 2022

Why do we see shadow entities in our peripheral vision and then they suddenly vanish? I just recently recorded the second edition of the audiobook version of A Walk In The Shadows: A Complete Guide To Shadow People, and there are some new additions! Just over a year ago, I released the print version...

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Inside Alaska's Mysterious Triangle Dec 19, 2021

Alaska's Mysterious Triangle is the latest tome by Mike Ricksecker exploring the strange mysteries of this universe, this time in the region of the world known as the Alaska Triangle, an area stretching from Juneau to Anchorage to Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow). The Alaska Triangle, much like its count...

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Are Shadow Entities Extraterrestrials? Aug 15, 2021

Supernatural shadow entities are extremely mysterious, and there have been a plethora of theories over the years as to who and what exactly they are. I’ve had many experiences with shadow phenomena, and I’ve written an entire book on the subject, A Walk In The Shadows: A Complete Guide to Shadow Peo...

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Exploring Ancient Mysteries of Egypt Jul 07, 2021

Egypt is absolutely a mystical and magical place, rife with ancient secrets, enigmatic mysteries, and friendly people who welcome visitors with open arms. With many countries around the world still barring foreigners from touching their soil as continued fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, Egypt is ...

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Types of Paradoxes Apr 19, 2021

Socrates: “I know one thing, that I know nothing.”

Paradoxes are all around us, and they permeate throughout our popular culture. One of my favorites to throw at people is, “True or false? I’m lying.” Trying to wrap your head around how those states of being can’t exist properly with that simple qu...

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Our Place In The Universe Mar 04, 2021

(Based on the recent broadcast of Beyond The Shadows, "Our Place in the Universe," found in the Member Area.)

Science fiction is becoming reality. When I scrolled through my social media feed this past Tuesday morning, I was instantly intrigued by a headline concerning the assembly of a space stati...

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Journeys in the Connected Universe!

Random adventures and tidbits learned along the way while exploring the Connected Universe (also known as a blog).


Mysterious Triangle Areas of the World

Nov 23, 2022

Stargates of Ancient Egypt!

Oct 03, 2022

Real Time Travel: What Does it Look Like?

Aug 08, 2022