Journeys in the Connected Universe!

Sampling of articles found within the Secret Library of the Connected Universe Portal

Blog posts can be found at:

Stargates of Ancient Egypt! Oct 03, 2022

Autumn begins to settle into northeastern Ohio, more specifically the Cleveland area, with crisp air and overcast skies to look forward to until snow and the bitter chill of winterā€™s kissĀ encompassesĀ The Land. While the frigid air may cause most to look past winter to the spring beyond, Iā€™m especial...

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Journeys in the Connected Universe!

Random adventures and tidbits learned along the way while exploring the Connected Universe (also known as a blog).


Mysterious Triangle Areas of the World

Nov 23, 2022

Stargates of Ancient Egypt!

Oct 03, 2022

Real Time Travel: What Does it Look Like?

Aug 08, 2022